Upcoming Events

Lent at Historic Bethel (Feb. 18 through April 4)

Ash Wednesday services begin at 7 p.m. You are encouraged to take part in the 40-day fast (you are at liberty to be fast-free on week-ends; Sundays are fast-free rou-tinely) or to pray along with us while reading the appropriate Scriptures. You might also choose to hear those Scriptures via the Prayer Line Ministry at noon Monday through Friday. Committee members Delceda Walker, Jimmie Wright and Archie Ferguson are available if you have questions. Pastor Irby and Dr. Walker are hoping you will join in! (Read More)

New in Your Pew

Prayer Request cards: “We believe in the power of prayer and will gladly pray for you and with you.”
Ask the Pastor cards: Write your questions about Scripture or biblical text, and Pastor Irby will ad-dress them during one of the Friday morning “After the Minute Conversation” on the prayer line. Fill out the cards and place them in the offer-ing plate. This is a courtesy of the Prayer Line Ministry.

Scholarship / Financial Aid

Students should be aware that now is the time to look for money to start or continue your college or vocational school plans. YPD Director Renee Brown has information about YPD opportunities. Parents, please see her about applications and deadlines.

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.